Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery in India

Bariatric Surgery is now a proven and well-established modality of definitive weight loss and the Centre for Bariatric Surgery at Continental Hospitals, is one of the finest facilities in India for bariatric surgery. With state-of-the-art infrastructure, world-class surgical protocols, and the best bariatric surgery team, we deliver excellent patient outcomes alongside the best patient experiences.

Endowed with a suite of ultra-modern, robotic surgical suites, and a compassionate team of nurses, Continental Hospitals’ Centre for Bariatric Surgery is your first-choice destination for all first-time and revision bariatric surgeries in India.

At Continental Hospitals, we take a collaborative approach to weight loss and seek to bring about a holistic change in patients’ lifestyles to ensure lasting results. A multidisciplinary team, consisting of surgeons, dieticians, physiotherapists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, sleep specialists, and others make us one the most comprehensive bariatric, weight-loss programs in India

Who is Eligible for Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is not a one-size-fits-all solution and is considered a last resort after other weight-loss methods have failed. To be eligible for bariatric surgery, individuals typically need to meet certain criteria:

Body Mass Index (BMI): Generally, a BMI of 40 or more is considered the primary criterion. However, some individuals with a BMI of 35 or higher and a weight-related health condition like type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, or severe joint pain may also be considered.
Co-morbidities: The presence of weight-related health problems like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, severe fatty liver disease, or severe joint pain can strengthen the case for bariatric surgery.
Failed weight-loss attempts: Demonstrating documented attempts at losing weight through lifestyle modifications and medical management for at least 6 months is usually required.
Psychological evaluation: A mental health assessment ensures the individual understands the surgery's risks and is prepared for the significant lifestyle changes required post-surgery.

Need of Bariatric Surgery

Severe Obesity: Bariatric surgery is often recommended for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher (extreme obesity) or a BMI of 35-39.9 with obesity-related health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes or hypertension.

Failed Attempts at Weight Loss: Patients who have tried and failed to lose weight through diet, exercise, medications, or other medical interventions may consider bariatric surgery as a more effective solution.

Health Conditions: Obesity-related health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and joint problems, can be significantly improved or resolved with substantial weight loss achieved through surgery.

Quality of Life: Obesity can impact quality of life in various ways, including physical limitations, reduced mobility, social stigma, and emotional well-being. Bariatric surgery aims to improve overall quality of life by achieving significant weight loss and reducing health risks.

Long-Term Health Benefits: Studies show that bariatric surgery not only helps in achieving substantial weight loss but also reduces the risk of developing obesity-related diseases and increases life expectancy.

Psychological Well-being: Many individuals who undergo successful bariatric surgery report improvements in self-esteem, body image, and mental health as they achieve significant weight loss and improve their overall health.

Types of Bariatric Surgery:

There are several types of bariatric surgery, each with its mechanism for achieving weight loss:

Gastric Bypass: This procedure reroutes the digestive system, creating a small pouch from the stomach that connects directly to the small intestine. This limits food intake and reduces nutrient absorption.
Gastric Banding: An adjustable band is placed around the upper portion of the stomach, creating a smaller pouch that restricts food intake and promotes early satiety.
Sleeve Gastrectomy: This procedure involves surgically removing a large portion of the stomach, resulting in a banana-shaped sleeve. This reduces the stomach's capacity and alters gut hormones, leading to decreased appetite and increased satiety.
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS): This complex surgery combines elements of gastric bypass and malabsorption. It reroutes the digestive system to bypass portions of the stomach and small intestine, significantly limiting nutrient absorption.

Benefits of Bariatric Surgery:

Bariatric surgery can offer significant benefits for individuals struggling with severe obesity and related health issues:

Effective and sustained weight loss: Bariatric surgery has proven to be the most effective long-term weight-loss intervention, leading to significant weight reduction and improved body composition.
Improved quality of life: Weight loss can significantly improve physical health, and mobility, and reduce pain. It can also enhance energy levels, sleep quality, and overall well-being.
Management of co-morbidities: Bariatric surgery can effectively manage or even reverse weight-related health conditions like type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease.
Enhanced self-image and confidence: Weight loss can significantly improve self-esteem, confidence, and social interactions.

Patient Responsibilities Post-Bariatric Surgery:

Following bariatric surgery, long-term success depends on significant lifestyle changes and commitment from the patient:

Dietary adherence: Following a specific post-surgical diet plan is crucial, focusing on nutrient-rich, low-calorie foods and proper portion control.
Regular exercise: Incorporating daily physical activity, starting with gentle exercises and gradually progressing, is essential for maintaining weight loss and overall health.
Supplementation: Taking prescribed vitamins and minerals is often necessary to ensure adequate nutrient absorption after surgery.
Behavioral changes: Developing healthy eating habits, managing stress, and addressing emotional triggers for unhealthy eating are crucial for long-term success.
Regular follow-up: Attending regular appointments with the bariatric team for monitoring, support, and addressing any concerns is essential.

Bariatric Surgeries offer a transformational and life-changing opportunity for individuals – not just to lose weight but also to overcome various other health challenges. From physiological to psychological, bariatric surgery and subsequent weight-loss can improve the quality of your life, and help reduce the risk of developing other illnesses.

Why Choose Continental Hospitals for Bariatric Surgeries?

Choosing Continental Hospitals for bariatric surgeries can be beneficial due to several factors:

Expertise and Experience: Continental Hospitals boast a team of highly skilled and experienced bariatric surgeons who specialize in a range of weight-loss procedures. Their expertise ensures high success rates and improved patient outcomes.

Comprehensive Care: The hospital provides a comprehensive approach to bariatric surgery, including pre-operative assessments, nutritional counseling, psychological support, and post-operative follow-up. This holistic approach ensures that patients receive well-rounded care throughout their weight loss journey.

Advanced Technology and Facilities: Continental Hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and modern surgical facilities. This ensures that patients receive the latest and most effective treatments available, with a focus on minimally invasive techniques that reduce recovery time and complications.

Customized Treatment Plans: Recognizing that every patient is unique, Continental Hospitals offer personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs, medical history, and weight loss goals. This customized approach increases the likelihood of successful outcomes.

Multidisciplinary Team: The hospital’s multidisciplinary team includes surgeons, dietitians, psychologists, and other specialists who work together to provide comprehensive care. This team approach ensures that all aspects of a patient’s health and well-being are addressed.

Patient Education and Support: Continental Hospitals place a strong emphasis on patient education and support. They offer extensive resources and support groups to help patients understand the process, set realistic expectations, and maintain their weight loss long-term.

High Safety Standards: The hospital adheres to stringent safety protocols and quality standards, ensuring that all procedures are performed in a safe and controlled environment. This commitment to safety minimizes the risks associated with surgery.

Positive Patient Outcomes: The hospital has a track record of positive patient outcomes, with many success stories of individuals who have achieved significant weight loss and improved health following their surgery.

Convenient Location and Accessibility: Located in a convenient area, Continental Hospitals are easily accessible for both local and international patients. They offer various services to assist with travel and accommodation arrangements, making it easier for patients to undergo surgery and follow-up care.

Reputation and Accreditation: Continental Hospitals have a strong reputation and are accredited by various national and international health organizations. This accreditation is a testament to their commitment to providing high-quality healthcare services.

Services included for International Patients

Continental Hospitals offer a range of services specifically designed to cater to the needs of international patients. These services ensure that patients from abroad receive seamless, comfortable, and efficient medical care. The services include:

Dedicated International Patient Services Team: A specialized team assists international patients with all aspects of their medical journey, from initial inquiries to follow-up care. This team ensures personalized attention and support throughout the process.

Medical Travel Coordination: Assistance with travel arrangements, including visa facilitation, flight bookings, and airport transfers, ensures that patients and their companions have a hassle-free journey to and from the hospital.

Accommodation Arrangements: The hospital helps arrange accommodation for patients and their families, offering options ranging from on-campus guest houses to nearby hotels, ensuring comfort and convenience.

Interpreter Services: Multilingual interpreters are available to facilitate clear communication between patients and healthcare providers, ensuring that language barriers do not affect the quality of care.

Personalized Treatment Plans: Comprehensive treatment plans are developed tailored to the specific needs and medical conditions of each international patient. These plans take into account the patient's medical history, cultural background, and preferences.

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