Acne scars: Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, Treatment

Acne scars

Acne scars are a common skin concern that can have a significant impact on one's self-esteem and confidence. They are the result of the skin's healing process after severe or persistent acne breakouts. Acne scars can vary in appearance, ranging from shallow depressions to deep and pitted scars. These scars occur when the body produces too much collagen during the healing process, leading to raised or hypertrophic scars. On the other hand, depressed or atrophic scars form when there is a loss of tissue during the healing process. Understanding what acne scars are is crucial in finding effective solutions to minimize their appearance. While they may not pose any health risks, many individuals seek treatments to improve their overall skin texture and reduce the visibility of these scars.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars?

If you suspect you or someone else is experiencing Acne scars, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention by calling emergency services or consult with a Dermatologist.

Causes of Acne scars

Inflammation: When acne develops, the skin becomes inflamed due to the presence of bacteria (like Propionibacterium acnes) and excess sebum production. This inflammation damages surrounding skin tissue.

Skin Manipulation: Picking, squeezing, or popping pimples can worsen inflammation and damage the skin further, leading to scars.

Types of Acne: Different types of acne lesions can result in different types of scars. For example, cystic acne and nodules are more likely to cause severe scarring compared to milder forms like blackheads and whiteheads.

Genetics: Some individuals are genetically predisposed to develop more severe acne and subsequent scarring due to how their skin responds to inflammation and heals.

Delayed Treatment: Not treating acne promptly or effectively can increase the likelihood of developing scars as the inflammation persists.

Hormonal Factors: Fluctuations in hormone levels, especially during puberty, pregnancy, or due to conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can contribute to acne and subsequent scarring.

Skin Type: People with oily skin tend to be more prone to acne, which can increase the risk of scarring if not managed properly.

Risk Factors of Acne scars

  • Severity of Acne: The more severe and prolonged the acne, the higher the likelihood of scarring.
  • Delay in Treatment: Not addressing acne promptly can increase the chances of scarring.
  • Inflammatory Acne: Types such as cysts and nodules are more likely to cause scars compared to non-inflammatory acne like blackheads and whiteheads.
  • Genetics: Family history can predispose individuals to more severe acne and scarring.
  • Skin Tone: People with darker skin tones are more prone to hyperpigmentation and keloid scars following acne.
  • Picking and Squeezing: Manipulating acne lesions can worsen inflammation and lead to scarring.
  • Age: Adolescents and young adults are more susceptible due to higher levels of hormone fluctuations.
  • Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, such as during puberty, pregnancy, or menstrual cycles, can exacerbate acne and scarring.
  • Skin Care Products: Certain cosmetics and skincare products can clog pores or irritate the skin, aggravating acne and potentially leading to scars.
  • Medical Conditions: Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can contribute to acne development and scarring.

Symptoms of Acne scars

Acne scars can manifest in various forms and severity levels, often impacting both the physical appearance and the emotional well-being of individuals. Here are the symptoms typically associated with acne scars:

  • Indentations: Depressions or pits in the skin, known as atrophic scars, are common. These can be shallow or deep, resembling small craters.
  • Raised Scars: Raised or hypertrophic scars occur when the body produces too much collagen during the healing process, resulting in a raised texture above the skin.
  • Discoloration: Areas of skin affected by acne scars may appear darker (hyperpigmentation) or lighter (hypopigmentation) than the surrounding skin.
  • Redness: Persistent redness in the scarred areas, especially in the case of recent or inflamed scars.
  • Texture Changes: Skin texture may feel rough or uneven in areas where scars have formed, affecting smoothness and uniformity.
  • Pain or Itchiness: Some scars may cause discomfort, itching, or sensitivity, particularly if they are raised or have an irregular texture.
  • Emotional Impact: Beyond physical symptoms, acne scars can lead to emotional distress, affecting self-esteem and confidence.

Need an Appointment?

Diagnosis for Acne scars

Patient History: Detailed inquiry into the patient's acne history, including severity, duration, and previous treatments.

Physical Examination: Close inspection of the skin to identify the type and extent of acne scarring:

  • Ice Pick Scars: Deep, narrow pits in the skin.
  • Boxcar Scars: Broad depressions with sharply defined edges.
  • Rolling Scars: Wide, shallow indentations with sloping edges.
  • Hypertrophic Scars: Raised scars resulting from excess collagen formation.

Classification: Using established scales like the Goodman and Baron system to categorize scars based on type and severity.

Additional Tests: In some cases, dermatologists may use imaging techniques such as dermoscopy or ultrasound to assess scar depth and tissue characteristics.

Assessment of Skin Type: Determining skin type and sensitivity to guide treatment options.

Psychosocial Impact: Considering the emotional and psychological impact of scarring on the patient's quality of life.

Treatment Planning: Based on the assessment, developing a personalized treatment plan which may include topical treatments, laser therapies, chemical peels, or surgical techniques.

Follow-up: Monitoring progress through follow-up visits to adjust treatments as needed and evaluate outcomes.

Treatments for Acne scars

Topical Treatments:

  • Retinoids: Promote cell turnover, reduce discoloration, and improve skin texture.
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs): Exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells and preventing clogged pores.
  • Salicylic Acid: Clears pores, reduces swelling and redness, and exfoliates the skin.

Chemical Peels:

  • Light Peels: Use mild acids like glycolic acid to remove the outer skin layer.
  • Medium Peels: Use stronger acids such as trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to penetrate deeper layers.
  • Deep Peels: Use phenol to deeply penetrate the skin, removing damaged skin cells.


  • Uses small needles to create micro-injuries, stimulating collagen production and improving skin texture.

Laser Therapy:

  • Ablative Lasers: Remove thin layers of the skin.
  • Non-Ablative Lasers: Stimulate collagen production without removing skin layers.

Dermal Fillers:

  • Injected under the skin to fill in deep scars and create a smoother surface.


  • Involves removing the top layer of skin using a rotating instrument.


  • A surgical technique where a needle is inserted to break up scar tissue under the skin.

Corticosteroid Injections:

  • Reduce inflammation and flatten raised scars.


  • Freezes and destroys abnormal skin cells, reducing the appearance of raised scars.

Preventive Measures for Acne scars

Avoid Picking or Squeezing Pimples: Picking at acne can increase inflammation and the risk of scarring.
Use Topical Treatments: Apply over-the-counter creams with benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or retinoids to reduce acne formation and inflammation.
Maintain a Skincare Routine: Cleanse your face twice daily with a gentle cleanser to remove excess oil, dirt, and bacteria.
Apply Sunscreen Daily: Use a non-comedogenic sunscreen to protect your skin from UV damage, which can worsen scars.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to maintain skin elasticity and promote healing.
Follow a Healthy Diet: Consume a balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants to support skin health.
Consult a Dermatologist: Seek professional advice for persistent or severe acne. Prescription medications like antibiotics or hormonal treatments might be necessary.
Use Non-comedogenic Products: Choose skincare and makeup products labeled as non-comedogenic to avoid clogging pores.
Avoid Excessive Exfoliation: Gentle exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, but over-exfoliating can irritate the skin and lead to scarring.
Manage Stress: Practice stress-reducing activities like yoga or meditation, as stress can trigger acne outbreaks.

Do's & Don’t's

Do's Don't
Do Use Sunscreen: Protect your skin from UV rays as they can darken scars and make them more visible. Don't Pick or Squeeze: Avoid picking or squeezing acne as it can worsen scarring and prolong the healing process.
Do Moisturize: Keep your skin hydrated to promote healing and improve the appearance of scars. Don't Over-Exfoliate: Excessive exfoliation can irritate the skin and make scarring worse. Stick to a gentle exfoliation routine.
Do Use Topical Treatments: Incorporate products containing ingredients like retinoids, vitamin C, or niacinamide to help fade scars over time. Don't Skip Patch Tests: Before using new products or treatments, test them on a small area to avoid potential irritation or allergic reactions.
Do Consult a Dermatologist: Seek professional advice for severe or persistent scarring. Dermatologists can recommend effective treatments like chemical peels, microneedling, or laser therapy. Don't Use Harsh Products: Avoid harsh scrubs or abrasive cleansers that can aggravate scars and cause more damage.

If you suspect you or someone else is experiencing Acne scars, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention by calling emergency services or consult with a Dermatologist.

Frequently Asked Questions
Acne scars are typically the result of severe acne breakouts that penetrate deep into the skin. When the skin's natural healing process is disrupted, it can lead to the formation of scars.
While it may not always be possible to prevent every single acne scar, there are steps you can take to minimize their occurrence. Avoid picking or popping pimples, as this can increase the risk of scarring. Additionally, practicing good skincare habits and seeking early treatment for active acne can help prevent further scarring.
There are several types of acne scars, including atrophic (depressed) scars, hypertrophic (raised) scars, and keloid scars. Atrophic scars are more common and include ice pick, boxcar, and rolling scars.
The treatment options for acne scars vary depending on their type and severity. Some common treatments include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser therapy, dermal fillers, microneedling, and surgical procedures like subcision or punch excision.
While home remedies may not provide drastic results like professional treatments do, some people find relief from using natural remedies such as aloe vera gel or lemon juice on their skin. However, it's important to note that results may vary from person to person.
The time it takes for acne scars to fade varies depending on their severity and the chosen treatment method. It can take several weeks to months for noticeable improvements to occur, and in some cases, multiple treatments may be necessary for optimal results.